Percentage of Actors
Enable features for a percentage of actors.
Consistently on or off for this user as long as percentage increases. Think slow rollout of a new feature to a percentage of things.
Percentage of Actors Example
user = User.find(...) # responds to flipper_id method call
Flipper.enable_percentage_of_actors(:new_design, 25)
# returns true or false consistently for the same enabled percentage and actor
Flipper.enabled?(:new_design, user)
Percentage of actors also takes into account the feature name to ensure that the same actors are not granted access first to every feature.
100% of actors will not return true if no actor is provided.
user = User.find(...) # responds to flipper_id method call
# turn on for all actors
Flipper.enable_percentage_of_actors(:new_design, 100)
# true because 100% and actor is passed
Flipper.enabled?(:new_design, user) # true
# false because no actor provided
Flipper.enabled?(:new_design) # => false
Flipper.enabled?(:new_design, nil) # => false
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