Flipper UI
Flipper UI is a self-hosted web interface that gives you access to the basics but does not offer the full functionality of Flipper Cloud.
While you can use Flipper UI in conjunction with Flipper Cloud, it would be redundant since Flipper Cloud offers a superset of the functionality provided through Flipper UI.
Viewing list of features:

Viewing an individual feature:

Add it to your application's Gemfile with:
$ bundle add flipper-ui
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install flipper-ui
Given that you've already initialized Flipper
as per the flipper readme, you can mount Flipper::UI
to a route of your choice:
# config/routes.rb
YourRailsApp::Application.routes.draw do
mount Flipper::UI.app(Flipper) => '/flipper'
If you'd like to lazy load flipper, you can instead pass a block to initialize it:
# config/routes.rb
YourRailsApp::Application.routes.draw do
flipper_block = lambda {
# some flipper initialization here, for example:
adapter = Flipper::Adapters::Memory.new
mount Flipper::UI.app(flipper_block) => '/flipper'
You almost certainly want to limit access when using Flipper::UI in production.
Basic Authentication via Rack
The Flipper::UI.app
method yields a builder instance prior to any predefined middleware. You can insert the Rack::Auth::Basic
middleware, that'll prompt for a username and password when visiting the defined (i.e., /flipper
) route.
# config/routes.rb
flipper_app = Flipper::UI.app do |builder|
builder.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password|
# Verify credentials
mount flipper_app, at: '/flipper'
Route Constraints
It is possible to use routes constraints to limit access to routes:
# config/routes.rb
flipper_constraint = lambda { |request| request.remote_ip == '' }
constraints flipper_constraint do
mount Flipper::UI.app => '/flipper'
Another example is to use the current_user
when using a gem-based authentication system (i.e., warden or devise):
# initializers/admin_access.rb
class CanAccessFlipperUI
def self.matches?(request)
current_user = request.env['warden'].user
current_user.present? && current_user.respond_to?(:admin?) && current_user.admin?
# config/routes.rb
constraints CanAccessFlipperUI do
mount Flipper::UI.app(Flipper) => '/flipper'
Minimal example for Rack:
# config.ru
require 'flipper/ui'
adapter = Flipper::Adapters::Memory.new
flipper = Flipper.new(adapter)
run Flipper::UI.app(flipper) { |builder|
builder.use Rack::Session::Cookie, secret: "something long and random"
The key is that you need to have sessions setup. Rails does this for you, so this step isn't necessary, but for standalone rack, you'll need it. Without sessions setup, you will receive a Runtime error like:
RuntimeError: you need to set up a session middleware *before* Rack::Protection::RemoteToken.
See examples/ui/basic.ru for a more full example
Flipper UI can be customized via configure
, which yields a configuration instance.
We can associate a description
for each feature
by providing a descriptions source:
Flipper::UI.configure do |config|
config.descriptions_source = ->(keys) do
# descriptions loaded from YAML file or database (postgres, mysql, etc)
# return has to be hash of {String key => String description}
# Defaults to false. Set to true to show feature descriptions on the list
# page as well as the view page.
# config.show_feature_description_in_list = true
Descriptions show up in the UI like so:

Flipper UI can display a banner across the top of the page. The banner_text
and banner_class
can be configured by using the Flipper::UI.configure
block as seen below.
Flipper::UI.configure do |config|
config.banner_text = 'Production Environment'
config.banner_class = 'danger'
By default the environment
is set to an empty string so no banner will show. If you wish to customize the look of the banner, you can set banner_class
to one of the bootstrap color classes: primary
, secondary
, success
, danger
, warning
, info
, light
, or dark
. The default banner_class
is danger
The above configuration results in:

Actor names
Resolve actor ids to human-readable names by providing an actor names source:
Flipper::UI.configure do |config|
config.actor_names_source = ->(actor_ids) {
# Lookup actor_ids here and return hash, e.g.
"User;1" => "Dr. Paul Rhoades"
Fun mode
By default, Flipper UI displays a videoclip when there are no flags. The fun
mode can be configured by using the Flipper::UI.configure
block as seen below.
Flipper::UI.configure do |config|
config.fun = false
Import / Export
Flipper UI supports importing and exporting features. This is useful for sharing features between environments or backing up features.
- To export a backup file, click Download. This file can be shared with other developers or used to restore features to another environment. You can also import this file into Flipper Cloud for easy migration.
- To import a backup file, choose it from the Import form and click Import.

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