Coming soon! A Pro version of the Flipper gem for entirely local installations.

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Launch on a Friday? From your phone? Not a problem.

With feature flags, releasing new features isn't tangled up with deploying new code. And rollbacks are virtually instant.

Release features your way

Deploy code any time, and release features progressively. Enable features for specific users, groups of users, a percentage of users, or even a percentage of time. Feature releases on the product's schedule instead of the Ops schedule.

More on release strategies

Enable for individual actors

Enable features for specific actors/entities like users, team members, organizations, or teams one-by-one as needed.

Enable for specific groups of actors

Create groups like beta users, power users, or anything else you can dream up, and enable features for the entire group.

Enable for a percentage of users

Iteratively expand the number of users for a given feature by specifying a percentage of users that should receive access to new functionality.

Enable for a percentage of time

Try out performance improvements in prodution by controlling traffic to the changed code to safely make sure everything will go smoothly.

Reduce stress and hassle

With the process of deploying code dis-entangled from releasing features, launches can be more predictable, and they can be rolled back instantly without having to wait for CI or a re-deploy.

More on stress-free releases

Roll out gradually

Smaller deploys reduce risk and streamline pull requests. Shipping gradually instead of all at once makes things easier on the entire team.

Roll back instantly

Expand the release too soon or to too many people? Roll back to the previous state of the flag instantly with a single action without waiting for a redeploy.

Protect critical environments

Ensure only senior team members can control the state of flags in mission-critical environments while all team members can still adjust their personal environments.

Review audit histories

Always know when a feature was enabled, disable, or adjusted in any environment and who made the change. And quickly roll back if something is wrong.

Keep feature flags organized

Creating new feature flags is easy, but safely pruning old flags while working with numerous active feature flags can be tedious but not with Flipper.

More about Flipper's organization

Assign feature owners

With feature owners, there's neve any question who to ask for updates or how to know if the team has plans for a given feature flag in the near future.

Know when flags are safe to delete

Flipper lets know the last time each flag was checked for each environment so temporary flags can be removed and deleted safely.

Tag related features

Temporary or permanent flag? Circuit breaker? Which area of the application does it affect? Tags help stay on top of all of your flags.

Unlimited projects and environments

You can never have too many projects or environments, and you never have to worry about having too many. Keeping features organized is easier than ever.

Relax with solid infrastructure

Flipper is designed so that it can never take your app down—even if Flipper Cloud goes offline temporarily. And since feature data is stored locally to your application, your app's performance is unaffected.

More about Flipper's resiliency

Keep it local

With multiple levels of adapters and reads that are local to your application, you'll have blazing fast feature checks that are always available and in sync, even if Flipper Cloud isn't for some reason.

Store data your way

Flipper uses adapters so you can store your flag data in a relational database, non-relational database, or anywhere really.

Keep multiple servers in sync

Flipper Cloud automatically keeps feature flag data in sync across multiple servers so you know they're always on the same page.

Rest easy with backups

Even if you already have backups for the local version of your flag data, you can relax knowing that Flipper Cloud automatically maintains backups for you as well.

Toggle more than features

Flipper can help with more than just rolling out new features by streamlining multiple common development tasks that create friction for both development and product teams.

More about Flipper's flexibility

Internal Tools

Enable team members to toggle internal tools like performance monitoring, analytics, or chat widgets in their development environment.

Circuit Breakers & Maintenance

Use feature flags to disable individual features for maintenance while leaving other functionality unaffected.

Fast Backup Provider Cutovers

Leverage controls to make it easier to swap to backup providers any time your primary vendor is down or sluggish.

Block Bad Actors

Create tools to quickly and temporarily block bad actors from your systems to ensure customers aren't affected.

You'll be in good company…
…with our Open Source Gem
  • GitHub
  • PlanetScale
  • Dropbox
  • taskrabbit
  • Shopify
  • Dribbble
  • vimeo
  • Zipline
  • Stitch Fix
…or with Flipper Cloud
  • podia
  • apptegy
  • Box Out
  • Juniper
  • Hurr
  • teamtailor
  • Design Pickle
  • Userlist

The Friday Deploy

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